This past Tuesday I had the pleasure of touring the LorrenJoyce Farm in Barnstead, NH. Some of you have had the pleasure of having the raw milk, raw cream and incredible cheeses we buy from LorrenJoyce. Amy Matarozzo is the farmer in the Matarozzo Family while her husband, Brian, is a mechanic that has his own business, but helps out when and where he can. Amy was raised predominantly on working farms and is still at it today because it makes her happy and it is engrained in her being.

*This little one was born the morning before we visited the farm. Such a proud momma!
Amy and Brian moved to Barnstead in 2014. When they bought the property there was only the house and a goat shed. Slowly but surely they've been building the infrastructure of the farm starting with the dairy barn, milking parlor and storage. "It's a labor of love" Amy said, "and we still have a ways to go".
Amy raises beef cows and has 60 dairy cows. She milks the cows every day after putting her two little boys down for a nap. The milk gets tested regularly as she sends some to her cheese-maker. The gouda is soft and mild and the blue cheese melts in your mouth.

"At LorrenJoyce Farm, we strive to provide our animals with the best life possible. Happy cows with optimal comfort make the best products! Every animal on our farm is treated with respect no matter what their purpose is on the farm. Our cows have access to go outside year round, even in the winter they have the ability to go for a winter walk. In the spring through fall, the cows are on pasture. What defines our practices - Pasture-Raised: Animals are raised outdoors on pasture in a humane, ecologically sustainable manner, rather than in a feedlot or confined facility. Raw Milk: Raw milk has not been pasteurized. Pasteurization was implemented due to safety concerns, but pasteurization also kills the enzymes that many feel are very healthy and beneficial. No Routine Antibiotics Used: Antibiotics are not given to the animals to prevent disease, but may be administered if the animals become ill. Our milk will NEVER have antibiotics in it. It is against the law and we carefully test every cow that has been treated before putting her milk back in the tank. " -from their website

The cows have acres and acres to wander and enjoy the NH Spring! I asked Amy, "What's your favorite part of farming?". "The cows," she said, without skipping a beat. "I love them. I talk to them and they each have their own personality. I'm better with cows than I am with people."
A jersey cow named "Chiquita" nudged my arm while we talked. "She wants you to scratch her head," Amy chuckled as I obliged. All of her dairy cows have names. She even has a "retired" dairy cow that's 14 years old that still just likes to hang out with her friends and whose longevity boggles Amy and Brian with passing winter.

If you think you'd like to try LorrenJoyce raw milk or cream, please let us know. We order every Wednesday morning in limited quantities due to the short shelf life. We pick it up every Friday morning. Honestly, there's nothing like it. Makes us happy to know the milk comes from well-loved cows and help support such a sweet, hard-working family!