Today we are featuring Meadowfall Farm & Forage in Parsonsfield, ME. I chose a rainy Spring day to visit Alisha & Evan at their beautiful little farm. Despite the weather it was a pleasure to check out their operation and see all the incredible veggies bursting from every nook and cranny! These two have been hard at work the past 10 years building infrastructure to accommodate more yield, and also built a little road-side store!

Meadowfall Q&A
When did you start your farm?
About 10 years ago we started homesteading in Parsonsfield, Maine on about an acre of backyard.
Why did you decide to go into farming?
As we became more adept at growing a wide variety of produce and foraging for wild mushrooms and plants, we found ourselves investing more time and resources into our gardens and going to farmers markets to sell the extra produce.
What is your favorite part(s) about farming?
Watching produce grow from seed to harvest, working outdoors, making our own schedules.
What is the hardest part?
Being at the mercy of nature, having to adapt to a new curveball seemingly every year: droughts, excessive rainfall, pest problems.
What are your top 3 core farming values?
-Farming organically to build healthy soil, limit nutrient runoff and preserve pollinator populations.
-Minimizing fossil fuel inputs.
-Building a resilient local agricultural economy, providing nutritious food for our community, while educating people to grow and forage their own food.
What is your favorite thing to grow?
Rainbow carrots and beets because they are customer favorites, beautiful, and are always reliable, nutritious storage crops.
Pictured above, are some of the gorgeous lettuces coming from Meadowfall Farm. You may have seen some of these gorgeous lettuces in the Co-op the past couple weeks. So delicious and beautiful! Crisp Swiss Chard flourishing in the smaller hoop house.

They finished this huge, spacious hoop house last September. Alisha said they planted more tomatoes this year than they ever had before!
Along with peas growing tall in the middle already the big hoop house will be busting with peppers and tomatoes in a couple months.
Depending on availability, the Co-op gets a delivery from Meadowfall Farm on Wednesdays. Come July, you will find them at the Wolfeboro Area Farmer's Market on Thursdays as well! They always have an incredible variety of veggies and foraged goods.
Thank you, Alisha and Evan, for my visit to your farm and thank you for the wonderful bounty you bring to our local community!